Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I love saying "yes" to the question, "I finished my assignment, so may I play a math game on the iPad?"

Thursday, March 6, 2014

We may have been happy to have 2 days off from school this week, but that means my lesson plan book has a lot of circles and arrows! I know we are all looking forward to warmer weather!

Thanks to your votes, CLS has won 3 Best Choice Awards through Kid’s Directory! We’ve been named as a Best Choice for Preschool, Private & Parochial Elementary and Private & Parochial Middle School/Junior High!!! Additionally, Christ Lutheran Church’s Mothers Day Out program also earned a Best Choice Award! Thank you for your support and tell everyone! The March issue of Kid’s Directory will feature us as winners!

An important week you want to remember is April 7-11. Please be sure your child arrives to school before 8 a.m., has a healthy breakfast, and gets plenty of sleep. Also, please limit the appointments during the school day that week as much as possible. Together we will set up our students for success!